Thursday 2 December 2010

Loads of interesting stuff.

Snow. Lots of it. Meaning school closures and me getting roped in to have my sisters child. All day. Every day.

He's six, he's incredibly attention needy and he never, ever, ever stops talking. I've been tempted to bury him in one of the many snowdrifts around about but have, so far, been able to resist.

His constant presence has, unfortunately, meant that I have done as much reading in the last week as I would normally expect to do in one average soak in the tub. Which I haven't been able to have, because he's eaten into my time so much that all I can afford to allot is enough for a quick dip. Get in, get washed, get out. Come on, that's not a proper bath, is it? I'm feeling a little deprived.

I had thought that I might write a few words on Nemesis, the Mark Millar written, Steve McNiven drawn comic mini-series that has been running in Clint, reasoning that the final issue (#4) would be in Clint #4, which was released yesterday (02/12). I figured I could finish reading that and do a quick rundown of my thoughts about it. Sadly, only half of nemesis #4 was actually printed in Clint #4, meaning I'll have to wait a month or so for the concluding pages. Another plan foiled. Buggeration.

So no book finished, no comic series finished, what on earth am I going to write about. Well, as it turns out, not much of anything. I'm just typing a load of old nonsense until I hit a halfway decent wordcount, which I'll put up on the blog and then post the link on twitter, so that the 3 people who actually read these things will be tricked into thinking there is new content and come boost my views. Mwahahah.

Is that enough do you think? Should I stop now? Yes, I think I probably will, but before I go; Clint #4 does contain what I believe (but don't quote me on this) is the first published comics work from comedian Stewart Lee. It's very good, and not just by first-timer standards either. It also has some very nice art by Steve (Zenith/Red Seas) Yeowell. Worth checking out, but fair warning, lots of part 3's and 4's of ongoing stories elsewhere in this issue so a first time buyer might find themselves in at the deep end a little bit.

That's me then. I'll be back next week when I'll be discussing something or other I'll have read by then.

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