Monday 20 September 2010

A brief welcome message to all...

...who have come to check out the 3rd of my pointless sets of ramblings.

I already have a personal blog, which is currently in the process of morphing into a kind of memoir type of thing full of rambling stories about my childhood, and one about my fascination with Science Fiction television, but I decided that I wanted somewhere that I could pontificate intelectually (or waffle gibberish) about the stuff I read. I'll try not to get too rambly, something my TV write ups can suffer from, but I make no promises.

I read a wide range of fiction across a variety of genres so hopefully this place won't get stuck in too much of a rut. On top of the novels I read I'll also be mentioning the various comics/graphic novels that I get through.

I'm in the midst of reading a number of things at the moment, including a Temperance Brennan novel by Kathy Reichs and a Judge Dredd Case Files volume amongst others and as soon as I finish one of them I'll get back on here with a proper post. In the meantime I just want to say hello, welcome, thanks for reading, I appreciate the interest, etc etc etc. Feel free to add a few more bland platitudes on the end there, cos if I could think of them they'd be included.

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